#1011 (Score: 3) from #BakaBT-Support, submitted on 28 Oct 2013 by Motoko11
<owbert> Anyone online?
<Moto-chan> Loads of people
<Moto-chan> Do you require some help?
<owbert> Ah, I kind of found the answer through Google, I think. My uTorrent is stuck on "finding peers" and I believe the reason is because the latest version is not white-listed by Bakabt yet.
<Moto-chan> ;P
<Moto-chan> You got it, ^_^
<owbert> <3
<Southrop> It moves me that there exist people who can use Google
<Southrop> brb weeping tears of happiness
<owbert> On an unrelated topic: Love Bakabt and thank you, y'all
<Southrop> Thanks and you're most welcome!
<Moto-chan> owbert: Teach your peers, spread the word of google, :P
<owbert> haha
<Moto-chan> Anyway owbert, if you require no help, please /part this channel. It was a pleasure assisiting you, ;D
<owbert> Sounds good. Have a good day
<Moto-chan> You too o/