#107 (Score: 2) from BakaBT Sekrit Hideout, submitted on 03 Dec 2009 by Southrop
* Now talking in BakaBT Sekrit Hideout
* Rizon sets mode: +o Southrop
* @xiong_chiamiov attacks southrop with a dull knife
* @Arveene attacks Southrop with a sharp knife.
<@Arveene> It's really Northrop!
<@xiong_chiamiov> what about east and westrop?
<@Southrop> oh hai
<@xiong_chiamiov> you must have some crappy nerves, to not feel anything for that long
<@Southrop> oh, but I'm Northrop, so Arveene didn't attack me
<@Southrop> Wait... what am I saying?
<@Southrop> I mean
<@Southrop> "ARGHHHHH!"
* @Southrop pretends to die
<@Arveene> XD