#1182 (Score: 10) from #bakabt-support, submitted on 06 Jun 2014 by Laus-kun
* linuxuser (qwebirc@Rizon-96A1CDB1.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined
<linuxuser> hello
<linuxuser> well i got a warning for not seeding and i thought it was but found out that probly the cause of it was no one is downloading but im not sure can anyone help
<linuxuser> !help
<BBT> Error: Usage '!help command' - Available commands are: (commands|rules|wiki|faq|warnings|login|delete|pruned|reseeding|fixing|account|fft)
<linuxuser> thanks im new to irc
<linuxuser> !help reseeding
<BBT> Howto re-seed: http://wiki.bakabt.me/index.php/For_First_Timers#Re-seeding_Downloaded_Files_with_Different_Clients
<linuxuser> thanks
<linuxuser> that was helpful i didnt know you could do that thanks again
* linuxuser (qwebirc@Rizon-96A1CDB1.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has left

<Southrop> Wow did he just talk to a bot
<Southrop> and then thank the bot
<mianghuei> Yes he did. Yes he did.... :)
<BBT> Bots have feelings too, Southrop