#1211 (Score: -2) from #bakabt, submitted on 01 Aug 2014 by Moto-chan
* Sanctuary (cgiirc@your.mega.crush) has joined
<Sanctuary> Ok Im seeding with utorrent newest version. With that, it only goes through at speed 20kbs för a popular file. But with my seedbox exact same files I get speed 800 kb why?
<Moto-chan> Sanctuary: Because your seedbox has a better connection
<Sanctuary> better connection?
<Moto-chan> It has a faster connection
<Moto-chan> All connections are not created equally
<Sanctuary> any better answers anyone?
<Moto-chan> -_-
<Moto-chan> Are you stupid, or just trolling?
<Moto-chan> The maximum upload speed your ISP (Internet service provider) provides to you is lower than the maximum upload speed your rented seedbox is supplied.
<Moto-chan> Now go claim Sanctuary before someone kills you.
<Sanctuary> the only one whos stupid is you, cause you're interpreting everything stupid and therefore thinks other things are stupid