#132 (Score: 3) from #bakabt, submitted on 15 Jan 2010 by raylu
<LeB_Blood> why does everyone hate on mirc
<raylu> LeB_Blood: because stupid shit like this happens: http://upp.monkey-pirate.com/images/screenshot-UPP2.0_02.jpg
<Fate_Testarossa_Harlaown> okay... raylu what the hell was that for?
<Fate_Testarossa_Harlaown> boobs in mirc... just no
<Fate_Testarossa_Harlaown> I'd rather use irssi than that
<LeB_Blood> :o
* raylu is using irssi in a transparent terminal
<raylu> so i can have boobs in my irssi if i really wanted
<|Cherry-chan|> raylu: why would you put boobs in irssi?.... if you're gonna put boobs in anything, put them in pudding.... or jello.... i mean, really....
<raylu> |Cherry-chan|: boobs in food => dead woman
<|Cherry-chan|> no
<|Cherry-chan|> dip em'
<raylu> i see.
<|Cherry-chan|> it's a weird sensation.... but i like it
<|Cherry-chan|> :P