#137 (Score: 3) from #bakabt, submitted on 18 Jan 2010 by raylu
<DreamTactix291> divx4 came first
<DreamTactix291> of the ASP encoders
<Kristen|Lolisleep> Before DivX3?
<Kristen|Lolisleep> And 2?
<Kristen|Lolisleep> And 1?
<Kristen|Lolisleep> O.O
<Mirgond> uh, kristen is sleepwalking again
* Kristen|Lolisleep throws DreamTactix291 out a window
<DreamTactix291> divx3.11 is just MS MPEG-4v3 hacked to fit into avi
<DreamTactix291> there was no divx 1 or 2
<Kristen|Lolisleep> DreamTactix291, my logic is logically!
<Kristen|Lolisleep> You dare to question my logic?
<Kristen|Lolisleep> Then window becomes you!
* Kristen|Lolisleep throws DreamTactix291 out the window again