#165 (Score: 5) from Unknown, submitted on 15 Feb 2010 by ins3
TreeAnt: random thought: I've never once been caught with porn, never had a stash found, never been found looking at anything porn.... I'm a fucking ninja
Cocky: i have, i have, and i have
Cocky: But then duh, it's me. Everything embarassing happens to me
Cocky: hey pichs
pichapiegal: wut?
Cocky: did i ever tell you the time i kissed a girl at this karaoke party thing
Cocky: my mum was there
pichapiegal: no
Cocky: drinking, which she never does
Cocky: k
Cocky: well
Cocky: me and this girl go outside
Cocky: im like 1
Cocky: 5
Cocky: and a goth lol
Cocky: and we start kissing
Cocky: my mum comes out at that exact moment
Cocky: and says
Cocky: very loudly
Cocky: so that everyone hears
Cocky: "oh it's ok, he';s just practicing"
pichapiegal: no wonder you turned gay
Cocky: inorite