#212 (Score: 2) from Unknown, submitted on 01 Apr 2010 by raylu
<ttuttle> kjones: system('eject --candy');
<ttuttle> er
<kjones> some sysop will be very confused in the morn
<ttuttle> "eject --candy")
<kjones> ttuttle: i'm glad you specified, otherwise i would have tried to pass the eject --candy argument to system with single quotes instead of double quotes
<ttuttle> kjones: rule 0
<kjones> the GM is always right?
<ttuttle> kjones: no, the other one.
<kjones> a robot shall not harm humanity, nor through inaction allow humanity to come to harm?
<ttuttle> kjones: no, the other one.
<kjones> If A and C are each in thermal equilibrium with B, then A is in thermal equilibrium with C?
-!- kjones was kicked from ##213 by ttuttle [get out of my house]