#235 (Score: 8) from BakaBT Staff Hideout, submitted on 09 May 2010 by Southrop
<@kureshii> so anyway, during this nullroute i've finished a whole season of sailor moon TV + movie, finished a book on metaphysics, and started on another season of sailor moon...
<@Southrop> ...
<@Southrop> why sailor moon?
<@kureshii> i was planning to finish the franchise anyway since i've already seen the first 2 seasons >_>
<@Southrop> lol
<%newy> I plan on rewatching as well :D
<@kureshii> the last 5 episodes of each season are usually srsbz and quite good; the problem is getting through the first 35 eps
<%newy> Indeed
<@kureshii> basically, the more frequent the occurrence of tortured faces, the better it gets
<@kureshii> i hope that doesn't make me sound like a disturbed individual...