[18:46:01] <ss23> !list FOR GREAT JUSTICE
[18:46:06] * ss23 waits
[18:46:11] <ss23> I thought it was a kick?
[18:46:13] <ss23> !list
[18:46:14] <XCE> i think marchhare had a script to autokick that
[18:46:25] <ss23> Oh, I thought it was BBT
[18:46:31] <Agent327> That script is gone, it's a manula kick now...
[18:46:39] <ss23> Now the bit that makes me wonder about this, is that I got three replies for that !list :P
[18:46:54] <XCE> hes just trolling us so we'll do it and get kicked!
[18:47:06] <ss23> XCE: I already did do it and didn't get kicked!
[18:47:09] <ss23> >.<
[18:47:12] <ss23> I was expecting a kick
[18:47:17] <XCE> mod is counter trolling
[18:47:20] <Agent327> No mods online?
[20:04:30] * ss23 was kicked by Southrop (This is for the use of !list ;))
[20:04:38] <XCE> lool
[20:04:40] <@Southrop> Late, i know
[20:04:40] <@Southrop> lol
[20:04:42] <Goroshi-Onii-Chan> :O
[20:04:45] <XCE> from like
[20:04:48] <XCE> 3 4 hours ago?
[20:04:49] <XCE> lol
[20:04:55] <@Southrop> yeah, i only just scrolled up
[20:04:56] <@Southrop> haha
[20:04:57] <+Fujiwara> Better late than never
[20:05:05] <Wolf6969> indeed
[20:05:05] <XCE> better nate than lever imo
[20:05:08] * ss23 (cgiirc@neko.wa.ii.desu) has joined #bakabt