#259 (Score: 1) from #bakabt, submitted on 22 May 2010 by Mirgond
<jasper> windex: The tape library is backed up by whatever it's backing up
<jasper> but some sites do apparently use replication to offsite NAS and tehn tape-backup for *that*.
<jasper> ie, triple redundancy over multiple sites.
<raylu> i just cross my fingers and hope my HDD doesn't die
<jasper> which, ya know, best practice and all, especialyl once you get into the *really* "if this data is lost we are bankrupt" stuff like customer databases
<ziandra> d2d2t (disk to disk to tape) is very common these days. You get the data off your main systems at network speeds then have a secondary server feeding the tape drives.
<raylu> for redundancy, i cross fingers on both hands
<Mirgond> lol