#263 (Score: 4) from BakaBT Sekrit Staff Hideout, submitted on 30 May 2010 by Southrop
* &Force wants a bakabt tshirt.. xD
<@Southrop> Oh shit. BakaBT t-shirt would be awesome
<@Southrop> I would totally wear it
<~Jarudin> to convetions? :D
<@Southrop> to school~
<~Jarudin> cool
<@Southrop> I wonder if I should just go make one
<~Jarudin> I've been looking for a shop that will sell t-shirts and also mail them worldwide
<@Southrop> we can use the FML shop
<@Southrop> Today, BakaBT. FML
<@Southrop> xD
<&dubkatz> (lol)
<~Jarudin> heh
<&Force> Jarudin: and found something?
<@Nazo> http://www.threadless.com/
<&dubkatz> i brought t-shirt online before from threadless.com
<&dubkatz> yeah threadless >.>
* &dubkatz bites Nazo
<@Nazo> (dubkatz):
<@Nazo> ... D:
<@Southrop> http://www.cafepress.com.au/
<@Southrop> We can make BakaBT mugs~
<@Southrop> BakaBT underwear~
<@Southrop> BakaBT sweatshirts and hoodies~
<&dubkatz> and it might be cheap shipping for me~
<@Southrop> BakaBT caps and bags~
<@Southrop> I recall it was possible to make custom thongs too~
<~Jarudin> http://www.threadless.com/submit
<~Jarudin> not gonna work I think
<@Southrop> Cafepress works better imo
<@Southrop> you essentially create your own "shop"
<&Force> and then let user just buy it their, sounds simple ;p
<@Southrop> oh shit
<@Southrop> BakaBT teddy bear!
<@Southrop> BakaBT mousepad~
<@Southrop> haha, it would be possible to live a BakaBT lifestyle~
<&Force> hehehe
<&Force> TvT also does that i think
<@Southrop> any objections to me creating a BakaBT account to test things out?
<@kureshii> @Southrop> We can make BakaBT mugs~ <-- BakaBT dakimakura IMO
<@kureshii> we could put xiong's pic on it or something
<@Southrop> XD
<@Southrop> WIN IDEA