#287 (Score: -4) from #bakabt, submitted on 23 Jun 2010 by raylu
<SimplyDastardly> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYdCtIWfS0Y&feature=related ahahahahahahaha
<raylu[BOT]> SimplyDastardly's video: Hanamaru Sensation (English Version), 01:46
<SimplyDastardly> you have to watch it
<SimplyDastardly> it's so funny
<Dokuro-chan> I love that song, random person I haven't seen before
<-!- Nesc [~bloodyfin@382347D3.E74258AB.4B56A217.IP] has joined #bakabt
<Dokuro-chan> Wait
<Dokuro-chan> What the fuck
<Dokuro-chan> Goddammit
<Dokuro-chan> Why did I click on this?
<Dokuro-chan> I just saw raylu's titlebot thing
<Dokuro-chan> Jesus fucking christ
<Dokuro-chan> What the fuck am I listening to?
<SimplyDastardly> ahahahahaha
<SimplyDastardly> i know!
<SimplyDastardly> i knooowowowoww
<SimplyDastardly> it's SO funny
<SimplyDastardly> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGD-mFTY6mw&feature=PlayList&p=F1EE3B93EE906CD2&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=27
<raylu[BOT]> SimplyDastardly's video: THE MOST SUPER KAWAII-EST LUCKY STAR FANDUB EVER., 03:42
<Dokuro-chan> Why do I keep clicking on these things?
<Dokuro-chan> Who's voice is this?
<Nesc> LOL