<%gesshoki> :|
<+atlantiza> haha
<Yuuka-Kazami> hi gecchan |:
<+atlantiza> too much :| in a good convo
<%gesshoki> if it's me and yuuka in a convo then you'll probably be seeing :| or |; a lot
<+atlantiza> :|
<%gesshoki> and mouf
<Yuuka-Kazami> that is correct
<Yuuka-Kazami> this is not a good example of gecchan and me conversing
<+atlantiza> :|
<Yuuka-Kazami> usually it's rapid-fire nonsense
<Southrop> |:
<Yuuka-Kazami> but i can't be bothered to right now |:
<+atlantiza> :|
* Yuuka-Kazami rapes atlantiza |:
<+atlantiza> :|
<%gesshoki> me neither :|
<+atlantiza> this is my rape face :|
<Yuuka-Kazami> hot |:
<Southrop> interesting :|
<+atlantiza> this is my rape face :|
<+atlantiza> er
<+atlantiza> :|
<Yuuka-Kazami> |:
<%gesshoki> :| is my :| face
<Southrop> it's beautiful, gesshoki |:
<Yuuka-Kazami> :| users are conformists |:
<+atlantiza> :|
<Southrop> |:
<Yuuka-Kazami> :|
<%gesshoki> :l
<+atlantiza> :|
<Southrop> :T