#493 (Score: -3) from #SQLite, submitted on 30 Dec 2010 by TodWulff
<exarkun> It's obvious after about 10 seconds of reading that your complaints are baseless.
<iNDiG> and only virtual table seems to support FTS indexes
<iSteve> exarkun: Considering his amusing complaints on autoincrement, that hardly comes as a surprise :)
<iNDiG> which is of no use
<iNDiG> So tell me now, are my complaints baseless?
<iSteve> You know, I really don't care anymore.
<iSteve> Good night.
<iNDiG> Wow great. Why do all support chans have to be full of dicks. :/
<iSteve> It's gonna get all better once you leave :)