#630 (Score: 7) from #bakabt, submitted on 26 Mar 2011 by Rezagrats
<Lacey> ChalamiuS
<Lacey> dont feel bad
<Lacey> i was making toast today
<Lacey> and it popped and i jumped three feet into the air
<Rezagrats> she used a foerk
<+ChalamiuS> Lacey, I've done the opposite
<Lacey> both times i made toast too T_T
<+ChalamiuS> I turned and said "boo!" and the bread jumped
<+ChalamiuS> :D
* Lacey is soooo jumpy when tired
<Rezagrats> ahhaha
<Lacey> lol
<+ChalamiuS> That timing <3