#64 (Score: -5) from #bakabt, submitted on 16 Oct 2009 by Anonymous
<Kristen> Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) [848x480 H.264 AAC] [Chihiro] Edit Torrent Info Edit Torrent Description
<Kristen> High School, Clubs, Seinen, Chihiro
<Kristen> Status: rejected for reason: Didn't give pics, so gtfo
<Kristen> Chiyachan, why you do dis?
<Kristen> :<


<DmonHiroX> oh, BTW, awesome rejection season on Haruhi
<DmonHiroX> almost as good as the "BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" one I saw two days ago
<Chiyachan> DmonHiroX - Whatcha mean?
<DmonHiroX> "Didn't give pics, so gtfo - requested on irc"
<DmonHiroX> that one\
<DmonHiroX> that will teach that bitch not to obey orers
<Kristen> :<
<Kristen> I blame Piroko
<Kristen> >.>
<DmonHiroX> Kristen, you'd better fate/stay in the kitchen
<Kristen> T_T
<Kristen> My kitchen is so small
<Kristen> ;_;
<Chiyachan> Kitchen/Bedroom.
<Kristen> I can't even eat in it