#704 (Score: 0) from bbt sekrit hideout, submitted on 25 Jul 2011 by duki
<Chiyachan> Southrop - You got me the hat today, right? ;3
<Southrop> didn't find it in the plaza i went to. Will be going back to that area at a later date to check out a different region
<Southrop> tbh. i went to a plaza that sold anime goods and manga
<Southrop> i wouldn't expect to find a chinese pointed hat there
<Chiyachan> It had better be authentic and made by someones grandma....
<Chiyachan> -stares-
<Southrop> it's not going to be my grandma :x
<Chiyachan> Doesnt ahve to be yours.
<Chiyachan> But has to be authentic.
<Southrop> lol
<Duki> And it must be made by a chinese grandma, not just in china
<Southrop> lol
<Southrop> using chinese bamboo?
<Duki> and Chinese string
<newy> Better a Chinese grandma than kid, huh?
<Chiyachan> I dunno about that.
<Chiyachan> A kid would probably do better.
<Chiyachan> As could hit a kid.
<Chiyachan> But grandmas are more authentic.
<Jecht> lol


<Chiyachan> More importantly Droprop. Got me mah hat yet? ;D
<Jecht> ._.
<Southrop> Chiyachan: Nope. But I did get a job! :D
<Chiyachan> Fuck the job.
<Southrop> :<
<Chiyachan> Get me a hat! :(
<Jecht> I swear to god I will add you to my ignore list until Southrop buys the hat, Chiyachan
<Southrop> lol
<Duki404> Southrop, send him a hat in TF2
<Duki404> Tell him an authentic Chinese developers grandma coded it
<Jecht> LOL
<Southrop> LOL