#708 (Score: 5) from #bakabt-support, submitted on 02 Aug 2011 by Chiya
* KochaNK (cgiirc@8741B8E6.8B70C903.AF1FAC0.IP) has joined #bakabt-support
<KochaNK> hi
<KochaNK> someone explain me,what is the purpose of chanel
<@Chiyachan> Which channel?
<KochaNK> its my first time here
<+ChalamiuS> KochaNK, to help people with account issues
<@Chiyachan> ChalamiuS - He might want #bakabt.
<KochaNK> i am banned
<+ChalamiuS> Chiyachan, I suspect so, too
<@Chiyachan> Ah, there we go.
<+ChalamiuS> Oh! We were wrong!
<KochaNK> and i need help
<@Chiyachan> Username?
<KochaNK> misja nk
<@Chiyachan> Link to account?
<KochaNK> would you help me to bring back my account,please
<KochaNK> wait a sec
<KochaNK> http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2730626
<@Jecht> you are joking, right?
<KochaNK> why,i don understand?
<@Jecht> this is a support channel for BakaBT, an anime community.
<@Jecht> http://bakabt.me/
<@Jecht> you and erepublik can /part this channel immediately if you have no business with BakaBT.
<KochaNK> ok sorry
<KochaNK> :/
* KochaNK (cgiirc@8741B8E6.8B70C903.AF1FAC0.IP) has left #bakabt-support