#794 (Score: 6) from #bakabt, submitted on 01 May 2012 by chalamius
<xce> myth olo gy
<xce> that looks like a penis in the middle
<shirase> Leave #bakabt to its own means
<shirase> And it tends to penises in five minutes
<+ChalamiuS> shirase: #bakabt swings back and forth between topics of different types quite often
<shirase> Penis is its pivotal point, ChalamiuS
<shirase> It swings back and forth, each time corssing penis
<+ChalamiuS> shirase: we'll be having a technology related discussion in a couple of hours then
<shirase> LOL
<shirase> You can tell by the direction of "debate" as it goes throug the penis point, ChalamiuS ;)
<+ChalamiuS> shirase: anyone that has been here for long enough should be able to
<shirase> Don't be modest
<shirase> You give some damn good penis wind readings