<@Sashamaru> Duki: it's "per se", not "per say"
<EnzieTheEngie> Sassy maru-maru just got demoted.
<EnzieTheEngie> :P
* @Sashamaru kicks Enzie
* Duki sets mode: -o Sashamaru
* Duki sets mode: +h Sashamaru
<EnzieTheEngie> Lol.
<%Sashamaru> ...
<@Arc-sama> OO
<%newy> lul
<EnzieTheEngie> I vote newy for new staff member to take Sassy maru-maru's place.
<EnzieTheEngie> :D
* Duki sets mode: +o newy
<EnzieTheEngie> Yay for newy!
<EnzieTheEngie> :D
* @newy goes to grant everything
<EnzieTheEngie> :o
<EnzieTheEngie> Nooooo!
<EnzieTheEngie> Somebody stop him!
* @Arc-sama ties newy up in whips & chains
<EnzieTheEngie> Well uhh...
<EnzieTheEngie> I didn't expect that from Arc of all people.
<EnzieTheEngie> Lol.
<%Sashamaru> that escalated quickly
<%der_richter> so i take newy's old position and sasha takes mine?
<~Duki> no
<~Duki> I still mad at yoo
<@Arc-sama> Oo
<EnzieTheEngie> Ooooo.
<@Arc-sama> which yoo
<%der_richter> you don't even know why anymore <.<
<~Duki> for whatever reason I demoted you~
<EnzieTheEngie> I don't even know why.
<EnzieTheEngie> :P
<~Duki> me neither, but that's sort of irrelevant
<%Sashamaru> I was just trying to be helpful