#887 (Score: -2) from #rorisubs, submitted on 25 Apr 2013 by Southrop
* Kusion has changed the topic to: [ rori ][ Tsukiko > that blonde bitch Edition ] [ http://rorisubs.com/ ] [ Triggers: !henneko02 ]
<@Kusion> i think fotc agrees too
* fotc has changed the topic to: [ rori ][ AZUKI AZUSA BEST GIRL Edition ] [ http://rorisubs.com/ ] [ Triggers: !henneko02 ]
<deu> I like them both equally :(
<Southrop> needs moar tsukiko kthx
<+neto_rare> Kusion stinx
* Kusion has changed the topic to: [ rori ][ AZUKI AZUSA NOT THE BEST GIRL Edition ] [ http://rorisubs.com/ ] [ Triggers: !henneko02 ]
* fotc has changed the topic to: [ rori ][ AZUKI AZUSA BEST GIRL Edition ] [ http://rorisubs.com/ ] [ Triggers: !henneko02 ]
<@Kusion> dammit fotc
<Southrop> lol
<@Kusion> always rooting for the bad girls
<@fotc> Sorry, Kusion, but your opinion is wrong.
<@Kusion> psh
<@Kusion> FOTC
<@Kusion> how can you like such a
<@Kusion> FAKER
<@Kusion> while
<@Kusion> best girl tsukiko
<@Kusion> blushes
<Southrop> look at dat blush https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BIU8sMCCIAA3i2N.png:large
<@fotc> Kusion: Well, know what? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bESGLojNYSo
<@Kusion> oh god
<@fotc> That's what Tsukiko's got.